Architectural Approval
If you are planning on changing the exterior look of your house or adding a building, edition, swimming pool, sidewalk, driveway, or other constructed amenity to your lot, you must first obtain architectural approval from the Fairmont Park Homes Association Architectural Compliance Committee. This process can take up to a month to approve or deny. To expedite the approval process, please present drawings and location data on the project on the appropriate form.
Paint colors must be "neutral tones" according to the FPHA Guidelines (see guidelines on the Maintenance Restrictions Page) and must be approved by the FPHA before painting.
You do not need approval to replace a fence, driveway, or sidewalk as long as it is in the same place and has the same architecture as the original design. If you have any doubt, please contact our Deed Enforcement Officer, Nicole Brunson, at (281) 471-5819 or email [email protected]. Failure to gain approval from the Architectural committee could result in court-ordered removal or a costly redesign.
Each lot has set-back lines (building exclusion zones) contained in your deed, which restricts where and what you may build on your lot. These restrictions may be waived by the committee with a signed and approved agreement between the FPHA Architectural Committee and the lot owner.
You may also have utility easements on your lot. These will restrict where, for instance, you can place a pool or storage building. Normally, these are taken into account in the setbacks, but it is best that you check with your utility company for the location of easements (including air easements for overhead power lines) and utility lines. Homes in Fairmont Park generally have buried natural gas lines, water and sewer lines, and possibly buried phone and cable utility lines. There are also restrictions on curb cuts for driveway access to the front, rear, and side lots that vary from street to street.
If you are committing to a construction project, you must inform the City of La Porte and obtain a City Building Permit. You can access the City Code and Enforcement Division by clicking on the Resources Page on the left side of this page.
Please note that the issuance of a City of La Porte building permit does NOT imply FPHA approval, which is separate. FPHA approval does not, in any way, imply engineering approval. The purpose of the FPHA is restricted primarily to the aesthetic look of the improvement, as well as compliance with setbacks and other deed restrictions, such as size, height, orientation, or replacement, to keep in context with the neighborhood. FPHA approval in no way implies approval or judgment of any kind on the structural integrity of the project.

Get Started
Download the approval form by clicking on the link below, then have a discussion of your project with our Deed Enforcement Officer, Nicole Brunson, at  (281) 471-5819. Please understand that the position of Deed Enforcement Officer and other staff are part-time jobs, so please allow 24 hours for a return call. You may also contact us using the contact form contained on this website.