Dedicated to Serving Our Members to Maintain a Quality Subdivision
The Fairmont Park Homes Association, Inc. (FPHA) is dedicated to serving our membership by providing a valuable service through the enforcement of deed restrictions and the maintenance of our subdivision entrances to the subdivision. Our Association is governed by members, and your neighbors, and is not outsourced to a private agency.
Our Association has been widely recognized as one of the best of its kind in La Porte. Our voting membership represents approximately, 1007 parcels of land. Through enforcement of deeds and maintenance restrictions, we strive to maintain a good quality of life and property values for our membership. Our homes are single-family homes, built from 1956 to 2009, with large lots and many large oak trees providing shade canopies over many of our streets. We have many city amenities in our subdivision, such as a large ball and soccer park and a community swimming pool maintained by the City of La Porte.
Our Public Schools
Our subdivision contains two La Porte Independent School District (LPISD) elementary schools (Rizzuto and Reid) and a sixth-grade campus (Baker), plus a technology center that is available for rent for meetings by the public. All schools, except the La Porte Junior and Senior High Schools, are within walking distance of the subdivision and do not require crossing significant freeways.
There are several daycare centers near our subdivision with transportation to our elementary schools.

Our Board of Directors
The Fairmont Park Homes Association, Inc. is governed by an elected seven-member Board of Directors. Please apply on the Board Candidate Page during our open filing period. There is an annual meeting of the membership on the first Monday of December each year.
The Board meets as necessary, but monthly on the third Monday of each month.
The agenda for each meeting will be published on this website 144 hours prior to the meeting.
Please join us and find out what is happening in your neighborhood.
If you have an interest in serving on a committee or if you have a special talent that you would want to share, please let us know. We welcome your involvement.
Regular monthly meetings are held at Fairmont Park Church at 7:00 PM every third Monday.
Your Current Board of Directors
John Eldridge - President
Larry Petersen - Secretary
Richard Desmuke - Treasurer
Melissa Dodson - Director
Joni Shore - Director

Our FPHA Staff
The FPHA Board employs a Deed Restriction Enforcement Officer to handle all deed, maintenance, and other restriction enforcement issues and a Bookkeeper to handle Association finances, deed transfers, and refinancing information.
For More Information
To learn more, call (281) 471-5819 and leave a message. Your call will be returned by Nicole Brunson.
Annual Association fees are due by January 31 of any calendar year for that year. After January 31, non-payment of fees will incur penalties.
Annual Maintenance Fees are due by January 31 each year.
Our fees are fixed and very low. We manage the Association fees very carefully.
Therefore, we urge all members to pay their fees on time. Our association fees are among the lowest costs in Harris County, with the highest value.
Make a difference, maintain your property!
Report Deed Restriction Violations to your Deed Enforcement Officer.
Contact Details
Fairmont Park Homes Association
P.O. Box 1192
La Porte, TX 77572-1192
Our most heartfelt "THANK YOU" to the City of La Porte for entering a joint venture with FPHA to make our neighborhood park a great place to visit.
Below are some helpful community-related resources.
City of La Porte Link

Heavy Trash and Garbage Pickup Schedule
Our subdivision is "Section 5" on the city map. Please do not put out heavy trash prior to 5 days before pickup - heavy trash is picked up every two weeks. Please do your part, as a good neighbor, to keep trash off the curb for prolonged periods.
Do not put out your other trash (garbage) earlier than the morning of the scheduled pickup, which is Monday and Thursday in Fairmont Park. The use of trash cans is discouraged, and they are only used to hold bagged trash. No loose trash should be stored in cans. Trash is not picked up on Federal, City, or La Porte designated holidays.
Fairmont Pool
Owned by the city of La Porte. Check the city's website for pool information.
Splash Pad
Owned by the city of La Porte. Check the city's website for information.
Other Pools
La Porte Independent School District Link
City of La Porte Code Enforcement - Building Permits
If you have a complaint about inoperable cars, trailers parked in the street, large trucks, animals, or weed control, please contact the Code Enforcement Department at the City of La Porte. If you are planning construction, you must obtain a building permit from the City of La Porte. Please submit - at the same time - a building request from the Fairmont Park Homes Association, Inc. to avoid unnecessary delays.