Helping Homeowners With Deed Reinforcement, CommunityDocumentation, and More
Welcome to the Fairmont Park Homes Association (FPHA), Inc. Website
In the City of La Porte, Texas 77571, there are three different home associations with "Fairmont Park" in their names. Our legal name is the Fairmont Park Homes Association, Inc. If you own a home or a lot in Fairmont Park Section 1, 2, 3, 4, or Fairmont Park West Section 1, then you are a member of the Fairmont Park Homes Association (FPHA).

Other "Fairmont" Homes Associations
Our association is located within Fairmont Park Central and Fairmont Park West. No homes in Fairmont Park East fall within our association. Though not part of our legal name, we are often referred to as the Fairmont Park Homes Association "Central." Portions of Fairmont Park West are governed by the Fairmont Park Homes Association.
Entrances to Our Subdivision
The five main entrances to our subdivision are:
Spencer & Farrington Boulevard, Spencer & Valley Brook Drive, Spencer & Myrtle Creek Drive, Underwood & Stonemont Drive, and Fairmont Parkway & Farrington Boulevard.

Serving Our Members for Over 50 Years
Fairmont Park Homes Association, Inc. has been serving our members since the creation of the Fairmont Park Subdivision in the early 1950s. We are incorporated into the State of Texas. Fairmont Park is a deed-restricted subdivision and contains 1007 lots in four sections (Sections 1-4). Again, all lot owners in Fairmont Park (Central) are members of the FPHA, Inc. and must pay an annual fee.
Fairmont Park is a "Deed Restricted" Community
Our subdivision deed restrictions and maintenance guidelines are legally enforceable and designed to maintain property values and provide a predictable and safer quality of place in which to live and raise a family. All our homes in Fairmont Park are single-family homes and shall not be used as an overt commercial place of business.
Fairmont Park Homes Association, Inc.—A Texas Corporation
When you bought your home in Fairmont Park, you agreed to comply with your deed restrictions, maintenance requirements, and other declaratory documents registered by the Fairmont Park Homes Association, Inc. that are registered with Harris County, Texas, and legally authorized by the State of Texas Property Code.

Compliance and Maintenance Responsibility
Compliance with and the reporting of violations are the responsibility of each of our property owners and their tenants. Enforcement of restrictions is the responsibility of your elected Board of Directors.
Inspection of the subdivision is the responsibility of our Deed Restriction Officer.
FPHA owns no property but maintains the entrance signs and monuments to our subdivision.
The FPHA also maintains the southern strip of land bordering Spencer Highway and a small portion of land along Underwood Road.

Board of Directors Meetings and Agenda Posting
The Fairmont Park Homes Association, Inc. is governed by a seven-member, elected board of directors.
Each year, Directors are elected at the annual meeting on the first Monday in December.
The term of a board member is three years, and director terms are staggered to provide continuity of operations. The Board of Directors meets monthly on the third Monday of each month.
The meeting location and agenda will be posted on this website under the meeting info and agendas page.
Meetings are open to all homeowners within the association.

Your Current Board of Directors
The eight to seven members of the Board of Directors are non-paid and elected by the members of the Association. Our Directors are all residents of FPHA and work on the board part-time.
Please allow 24 - 48 hours for a response to the inquiry. They are:
John Eldridge - President
Larry Petersen - Secretary
Richard Desmuke - Treasurer
Ben Hanson - Director
Melissa Dodson - Director
Joni Shore - Director
To contact a board member, please call our main number at(281) 471-5819, or you may contact us via email by using the contact form on the last page of this website or at
Fairmont Park Homes Association Staff
The FPHA Board employs a Deed Restriction Officer to handle all deeds, maintenance, and other restriction enforcement and a Bookkeeper to handle the Association's finances, deed transfers, and refinancing information. Both staff positions are part-time and are generally available via phone and email Monday–Friday. Please contact our Deed Restriction Officer as soon as possible if you have received a notice of violation or other communication to schedule a compliance date or garner more details.

Contact Information
Our association's contact information is as follows:
Deed Enforcement Officer: Nicole Brunson
Phone: (281) 471-5819
Bookkeeper: Nicole Brunson
Phone: (281) 471-5819
Association (Maintenance) Fees
Our Association fees are among the lowest in cost and the highest in value in the county. Although the assessed fee for each lot in the subdivision varies, the average fee is approximately $40 a year.
All fees for the current year are due no later than January 31st of that year. Late payment of Maintenance Fees may incur fees, penalties, or legal costs. If you have an Association fee issue or are selling or refinancing your home, please call our bookkeeper at (281) 471-5819 or email at

Before You Build/Paint, or Modify Your Home, Contact Us
There are many FPHA building restrictions contained in your deed about what and where on your lot something can or cannot be built. The FPHA has an Architectural Committee to review your plans. Before you commit to building anything or modifying the appearance of your home, please contact our Deed Restriction Officer for details and an architectural approval form. Please allow at least a month for Board approval.

Building Permits
We remind our members that approval by the FPHA does not constitute approval by the City of La Porte. Conversely, City of La Porte approval and permit issuance does not constitute FPHA approval.
Many things permitted by the City of La Porte are not permitted in our subdivisions. Carport covers or other construction in front of the home is an example.

General Deed Restriction Documents
If you would like a copy of our "General Deed Restrictions and Maintenance Guidelines," we will email them to you. Please go to the CONTACT US webpage and fill out the form with your member information and email address.
Annual Maintenance Fees
Fees are due January 1, 2024, and delinquent January 31, 2024. If you do not receive your invoice, give us a call and leave a message for Nicole, or email us at Since fees do not change and the due date is always January 1 of each year, it is your responsibility to make sure fees are paid by January 31 of each year, whether you receive the notice or not.
If you have any questions regarding Maintenance Fees, please contact the Association Bookkeeper, Nicole Brunson, at (281) 471-5819 or email at It is your responsibility to pay your Maintenance Fees each year. Failure to pay before January 31 will result in additional fees.

Fpha Has a Zero Tolerance for Non-payment of Maintenance Fees
Because of issues in the past with members not paying the FPHA Maintenance Fee, your elected board has held a zero-tolerance policy for non-payment for years. Folks, your Homeowner Association maintenance fees are among the lowest in Harris County, and it is absolutely unfair to the vast majority of our members who pay on time to allow others to not pay yet still benefit from our services. Failure to pay will turn an average $40/year payment into hundreds of dollars owed very quickly. Make no mistake: if you own a home in Fairmont Park, you must pay a maintenance fee.
As a reminder, you were sent an invoice in December, but if you lost or misplaced it, please call us immediately. Help us keep our neighborhood the highest quality possible by paying your HOA fees and reporting deed and maintenance restriction violations. Restrictions are listed on this website. Some, like cars parked on lawns, are better handled by calling the La Porte Police Department or City Code Enforcement. (Click on "Violations - Who to Call" on the web page list on the left side of this page.) If you have a comment or a question, you can contact us using the "Contact Us" page on this website, or call (281) 471-5819 and leave a message.

Regulations for Maintaining a Great Neighborhood
Your FPHA is coordinating with the City of La Porte to ensure that our subdivision maintains a quality place to live and raise a family.
Use of Rolling and Other Trash Cans
Members are discouraged from using rolling trash cans for garbage, as they lay out all day, sometimes multiple days, and are unsightly and unsanitary. The City of La Porte will not accept these trash cans in the future. Please use the black plastic bags provided by the city.

Garbage Pickup by the City of La Porte
Except for holidays, the City of La Porte picks up garbage and light trash in our zone (5) on Monday and Thursday. Please do not put out your trash earlier than the morning of trash pickup or on Holidays.
If a Holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the City often observes the holiday on the following Monday. Thanksgiving always falls on a Thursday, so there is no garbage pickup. Put it out the following Monday.
There is also no trash pickup on Christmas Day, December 25th (Thursday).
Please put out your trash the following Monday.